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Watch: Panic at Anti-Gun ‘March for Our Lives’ Protest in DC Causes Stampede

Criminals will continue to own guns illegally whether or not the government says it’s OK. Law-abiding citizens, however, will continue to abide by the law — to an extent — regardless of whether or not they agree with it.

So, the individuals hardest hit by gun control measures aren’t gang members or mass shooters. It’s the good guys who could be stopping such criminals.

When an entire community is devoid of guns, they are much more susceptible to a mass-shooting attack. A large group of gun-control activists learned that lesson the hard way in Washington, on Saturday.


During a “March For Our Lives” rally in the nation’s capital, one of the attendees yelled “gunshot,” which led to absolute chaos.

A video from the event showed attendees scrambling to escape, running into and over each other as they attempt to flee.

Thankfully, however, it was a false alarm and no shots had in fact been fired.

According to WJLA-TV, police later arrived and “neutralized the individual.” Presumably, this individual was the one who started the frenzy with a false alarm.

“An individual interfered with a permitted event on the Washington Monument grounds. The individual was detained by officers. No weapons were involved and there is no risk to the public,” the U.S. Park Police tweeted.

Thank God there wasn’t actually a shooter in attendance at the event.

If there had been, thanks to the zealous anti-gun nature of those in attendance, they would have had no way to defend themselves.

Now, for a moment, imagine if this same scenario happened — and it was actually a real active-shooter incident — at an NRA event or some other pro-gun rally.

Most likely everyone in the crowd would have been strapped.

Any potential mass shooter wouldn’t stand a chance.

If the activists in Washington, want to feel safe from now on, marching for gun control isn’t the solution.

Buying a gun is.

  • Gail Honadle says:

    When a lone Armed Permit Carrier is faced with 10 armed black thugs wanting his car, discretion became the better part of valor in Memphis, TN on Winchester Rd a few days ago. He walked away with his life, which was way more valuable than a car that can be replaced. You have to pick your battles wisely.

  • jrobby says:

    Isn’t that the same as yelling “fire” in a crowded theater??

  • Dede says:

    Lol ! Serves these wackos justice !



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