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Trump Holds Meeting with Mel Gibson After Sound of Freedom Tops Box Office

President Donald Trump met with Hollywood legend Mel Gibson backstage during UFC 290 on Saturday night in Las Vegas. This meeting was hot on the heels of the inspiring success of the anti-child trafficking film Sound of Freedom at the box office.

Gibson has been a major promoter of the movie. “One of the most disturbing problems in our world today is human trafficking and particularly the trafficking of children” Gibson said recently in promotion of SOF.

In fact, Jack Posobiec said that “Tim Ballard claimed Mel Gibson had some input on the final edit of Sound of Freedom.”

UFC boss Dana White pledged, just hourse earlier to pay for all of his employees to see the groundbreaking film.

The encounter backstage at the highly anticipated UFC event created a buzz among attendees and media. Joined by Roger Stone, the meeting brought together three individuals known for their strong personalities and outspoken views, resulting in a captivating blend of politics, entertainment, and intrigue.

President Donald Trump emerged from backstage and made a highly visible appearance in the crowd at T-Mobile arena on Saturday night, accompanied by UFC boss Dana White. Trump was met with an electrifying reception from an enthusiastic crowd.

Sound of Freedom released nationwide on July 4th, made an impressive debut by topping the box office charts. The film’s innovative pay-it-forward technology, developed by Angel Studios, contributed to its success. Distributed by Angel Studios in the US, Sound of Freedom grossed over $14 million on its first day, surpassing other contenders like Disney’s “Indiana Jones,” which opened on June 30 and reportedly brought in $11.5 million, according to Deadline.

The movie’s unique approach to ticket sales, utilizing a patent-pending pay-it-forward model, generated an additional $2.6 million in revenue. Sound of Freedom exceeded pre-release projections, which estimated earnings between $11 and $15 million over a six-day span, by surpassing the mark in just one day.

Sound of Freedom is based on the true story of former government agent Tim Ballard, who left his job to independently rescue children from human traffickers and pedophiles. The film portrays Ballard’s efforts to save two children and a group of over 50 others, based on a real mission in which Ballard and his team rescued a total of 123 people, including 55 children.

Towards the end of the movie, during the credits, actor Jim Caviezel, who portrays Ballard, addresses the audience with a heartfelt message. Caviezel acknowledges the obstacles faced by the film during production and highlights the crimes and horrors of the sex trafficking industry. He then encourages viewers to scan a QR code that will help provide tickets to those who would otherwise be unable to afford them.

Neal Harmon, the CEO of Angel Studios, expressed his excitement about the movie’s success, stating, “This movie has now taken on a life of its own to become something more than that, a grassroots movement.” Harmon emphasized the importance of word-of-mouth spreading and the support of passionate fans and investors to ensure the film reaches a wider audience.

Tim Ballard, the CEO and founder of Operation Underground Railroad, which combats human trafficking globally, serves as the inspiration behind “Sound of Freedom,” capturing the early days of the organization’s work.

While there is not yet documentation as to what President Trump and Mel Gibson talked about,, it certainly adds another layer of intrigue to an already eventful weekend, blending politics, entertainment, and the ongoing success of Sound of Freedom.

  • Louis Galmarini says:

    Anyone who has the I.Q. of 38 has figured out that our government not only condones ALL sex/child trafficking, but many times initiates and facilitates it as well. The same goes for drug trafficking. It’s as simple as this: If they were TRULY against ANY of it – WE’D HAVE THE WALL WHICH WAS PROPOSED AND STARTED BY TRUMP, and (unfortunately) – stopped. WE WOULD HAVE NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

    • Susan Morfesi says:

      Thank you, Mr. Galmarini, for your excellent and articulate comment. You’d make an wonderful guest on Newsmax.

  • b says:

    The trafficking is perpetuated and condoned by the demoKrat party, as evidenced by the 85,000 missing illegal immigrant minors that have never been accounted for. The demokrats have zero use for people who cannot be utilized for votes to retain power, hence their support of remuneration for blacks and physical mutilation of the bodies of those who believe they’re the opposite sex. Children can’t vote; but they can certainly be exploited to fulfill the sick and depraved perversities of the demokrats who, like the UN, believe that humans are sexual from the minute of birth and “minor-attracted people” should not be penalized or marginalized for having sexual relationships with children. The push is on for the legalization of pedophilia, but the left will tell you that’s not true, just as they insist that trafficking is a Qanon conspiracy theory.
    Demokrats are of their father, the devil, and it’s his works they do.

  • Louis Galmarini says:

    Something else to think about when realizing your own government is responsible for sex trafficking/drug trafficking, by not only working w/ cartels for both, but also shielding those who help them continue the trades of each.

    Consider these findings on the ‘Death’ of Jeffrey Epstein:

    There have been over 2200 reports since the ‘incident’, trying to solidify the FALSE premise that Epstein committed suicide.


    Epstein was a psychopath – NOT a sociopath. There’s a difference.

    Some sociopaths are narcissists. Some narcissists are sociopaths. But ALL psychopaths ARE narcissists. Sociopathy is a learned behavior. It’s learned by others or the environment. Conversely, psychopathy is NOT a learned behavior. It is genetically contrived. They’re born w/ it. It’s in their DNA. In other words – they’re wired like this from birth. Therefore, (and again), the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths is this: ALL psychopaths are narcissists – not just some. In other words, they are in love w/ themselves, i.e. they will do/say whatever it takes to save themselves. Bottom line: They will (and have) KILLED to save their own lives. Psychopaths are the most dangerous people on the face of the earth. They are NOTHING as they appear and can ‘sell’ their outward appearance of character masterfully. They are extremely intelligent, (most are ‘Mensa material’), creative and charming. However, their most effective attribute is that they are master manipulators who continuously utilize everything and everyone around them as tools to be used for their convenience and/or entertainment. Also dangerously present: THEY HAVE NO CONSCIENCE – NONE. Therefore, they have no remorse – for anything…especially if it results in negative consequences for others, and especially if the negative results are caused by them. They also do not possess the ability to feel others’ pain. Collectively w/ everything mentioned, this is why it is EXTREMELY difficult to try and get ANY psychopath to fail a lie detector test. It’s also the reason why it’s so difficult to convict them. They can (and will) outsmart the most intelligent and experienced, not only in law enforcement, but also clinical psychology experts. Additionally, they also believe they’re above the law and will be able to escape ANY punishment given to them by the law.

    Prime examples of a psychopath: O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony.

    Therefore: It is LUDICROUS to believe that Jeffrey Epstein would take his own life. Yes, he was in prison. But he had EVERY reason to believe it was just another ‘temporary setback’ in his life…that he would be either found ‘not guilty’, or all charges would be dropped. Why? BECAUSE HE HAD THE MEANS AND RESOURCES TO BUY HIS WAY OUT. He had done it before, and he was MORE than confident he could do it again.

    So, again, WHY WOULD HE KILL HIMSELF?! HE DIDN’T. Jeffrey Epstein is alive and well (and hidden) …and continues living the lifestyle of which he has been accustomed to. How do we know this?


    FACT: The night Epstein allegedly committed suicide, there was an inexplicable and mysterious electrical ‘black out’ for several minutes at the prison. It was NOT a ‘momentary interruption of power’. It was a blackout – for several minutes. In addition, and to compound the situation, emergency power did not automatically activate, (as it should have). Result: There was a ‘blackout condition’ at the prison w/ NO power whatsoever for several minutes until power was finally restored.

    FACT: When power was finally restored, everything came back ‘online’ – everything but the cameras which were in close proximity of Epstein’s cell.

    FACT: To this day, it is not known who discovered Jeffrey Epstein’s body. The report only states that an ‘anonymous guard’ discovered his body lying on the floor from outside his cell. It also (conveniently) states the body could not be readily identified, as it was covered w/ a sheet. Also stated was the fact that guards were told to immediately seal off the area around his cell, and that no one, (not even the head guard), was allowed to go inside the cell. They were to wait for a ‘special team’ to go in and remove the body. (Totally counter to S.O.P.’s and standard protocol.

    FACT: When his body was removed, there was ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE confirming the body was that of Jeffrey Epstein – NONE. No video, (all the cameras were mysteriously turned off), and no witnesses. (To this day, the records of those removing the body are sealed and cannot be accessed, per the 6th District Federal Court of NY).

    FACT: There continues to be conflicting stories given, not only by the M.E. and coroner about the results of the autopsy, (manner of death, cause of death, etc.), there continues to be conflicting reports given by almost every LEO who was on the scene. Almost ALL have changed their stories, (some drastically), at least once since the incident.

    FACT: After the autopsy report was made public, SEVERAL SME’s, (subject matter experts) around the world ALL agreed there were ‘numerous inconsistencies’ pertaining to the ‘Cause of Death’, (strangulation), and ‘Manner of Death’, (suicide). Statements regarding the position of the body, where/how it was found, and the alleged method used were all contra-indicated w/ suicide. Additionally, after examining the X-rays, they also concluded the ‘Cause of Death’ was more appropriately caused by strangulation – not suicide. SME’s only got the opportunity to examine X-rays – NOT the body. Therefore, what was examined could have very well been – someone else.



  • Karen says:

    All I can say is go see this film, our government and all the wealthy perverts are the largest contributor to this evilness and when people wake the truth,hopefully things will begin to happen, we must look in.our ” own backyards” in order to begin stopping yhis horrific and disgusting series of crimes being committed against our children; all GOD’S CHILDREN!!!!!!

  • ron says:

    Bidens , Democrats open borders is a Gateway to the exploitation of children.



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